πŸ–οΈ 5 Ways to Become Superhuman

Accessible, natural & free

Hey! πŸ‘‹πŸΌ ...welcome to the TheΒ Healthy Happy ClubΒ by WILD & WILD!

As I write this my whole family are in Florida.Β Having never been away from them for more than a day since my first born joined us β†’ I'm appreciating the time and space - but I do miss a lot.

I watched Forest Gump last night to cheer me up - absolute classic!

What've we got today β†’

  • πŸ¦ΈπŸ½β€β™€οΈ Become a Superhuman

  • πŸ’š One Scoop - Once a Day

  • πŸŽ™οΈ On the Pod β†’ Loss, Love, Grief & Gratitude

πŸ’­ Just a Thought

Cosmic Perspective

When I was young, I related too closely with anxiety.

It wasn't until my 30's that I made it my mission to disassociate myself of that connection. I had held on to it for too many years. It was holding me back - so I did what I needed to do.

Back in those early years, the thought of the vastness of the universe used to send my mind spiralling down a black hole of speculation about the inevitable end of my life.

The sheer size of the sky and the seemingly unrelenting spread of stars littered about the blackness just sent my mind wild.

πŸͺ Your Ego & the Universe

Recently, I heard Neil deGrasse Tyson speak about "basking in your relevance to the cosmos". It was humbling.

At first, trying to understand the incomprehensible potential of space made my ego spin into overdrive - and it was all related to a fear of death that I had. It made me feel completely insignificant. It was all closely linked to my ego.

Now, I'm able to bask in the majesty and wonder of it all.

How lucky we are to even be alive in this very moment.

It took an unfathomable amount of events for you to be here today. And the fact that the atoms of our bodies are traceable to the stars themselves fills makes me pore over the connectivity of all life across the galaxies - known and beyond.

🦢 Todays Newsletter took β†’ 9,837 Steps 🦢

πŸ¦ΈπŸ½β€β™€οΈ Become a Superhuman

πŸ–οΈ 5 Ways to a Super You

I listen and read to a LOT of podcasts, articles, newsletters and books while I'm out running and walking β†’ So, you don't have to!

I'm aways drawn to natural ways of boosting health and immunity - and this week I thought I'd share the 5 most common (and proven) tips / hacks I come across - to help you achieve Superhuman status.

These easy to implement actions pop up amongst conversations with health experts and "biohackers" that it's worthy of noting and building them into your day.

They're all accessible. And they're all free β†’ build a routine around these 5 practices and the science shows that you'll be on to a winning morning routine.

I won't be diving into the Science - this isn't the time or place - I think each of these need a deep dive write up of their own.

So for today β†’ I'll simply list them - and offer further watching / reading around each topic.

πŸ€” So, what we talking 'bout here?

  • πŸ’€ Sleep

  • πŸŒ… First Light

  • 🀀 Hunger

  • 🚿 Cold Water

  • 🦢 Grounding

πŸ’€ Sleep

This one isn't surprising. We all know how much sleep affects us on the daily.

You can just feel that you've lost your edge - or become more grouchy when you've not had the best night sleep. It's obvious.

But, do you prioritise your Sleep Hygiene?

If there's anyone on the planet that can convince you to prioritise your sleep schedule - it's the Sleep Diplomat himself - Matthew Walker. In the video below he describes the crucial role of sleep and the ways in which it ultimately determines many health outcomes.

πŸŒ… First Light

So, first light - or bright light first thing in the morning might be something of a curveball to some of you - but it's one of the most important things to consider when building a naturally health promoting morning routine.

From helping you feel more energised to resetting your internal circadian rhythm - exposing yourself to bright light is a free superpower.

Morning light is proven to massively improve your chances of falling asleep easier in the evenings - and promoting a much more balanced and even keeled energy through the day.

At first light - just before the sun breaks the horizon something called low solar angle is the best time to get that daylight into your eyes.

The protocol? ...try to get outside before day breaks, look towards the sun - but not directly at it - and ideally this should be within the first 20 mins of waking up (or certainly within the first hour) for around 5 minutes daily.

Include this with your outdoor morning walk / run for bonus points!

🀀 Hunger

Alright, hunger is a new way to consider fasting.

Right now, fasting in it's many protocol forms - be it intermittent fasting, restricted feeding windows or multiple day water fasts - it's definitely having it's moment.

The science though, is truly compelling.

David Sinclair is a neurobiologist who's mission is to "extend healthy lifespan for all". He literally wrote the book on Why We Age - and Why We Don't Have To.

His research is extensive, but proving to be incredible in the world of longevity. But, what his message boils down to is simple - and this is how I try to view my perspective on fasting β†’

Feel properly hungry at least once - every single day.

I have spent years going from snack to meal to snack, avoiding hinger pangs throughout the day - and "fuelling" my metabolism with a constant drip feed of calories. What we're now understanding is that our body has evolved to experience periods of hunger - and in fact, it's a crucial part of our body's detoxification and renewal systems.

Fasting can seem daunting for some - so if you just focus on experiencing moments of real hunger in your day - you're heading in the right direction.

🚿 Cold Water

...we've covered this one in some details previously - April sat down with Kevin O'Neill and spoke about deliberate cold exposure as a forced stress response to strengthen your body, increase brown fat stores and promote the shiver responses - which in turn increases your NEAT (Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis) which increases the amount of calories your burn during your day.

Cold water is fascinating and something I have experienced significant benefits from myself - from softened Heart Rate responses to stress and mental toughness and stillness throughout the day.

Actively putting yourself into stressful situations just makes those difficult phones calls, crazy drivers and screaming children seem less - worthy of your elevated emotions!

This podcast with Simon Hill interviewing Dr Andrew Huberman is the perfect primer on the best practices and real-life ways of introducing cold exposure into your day.

🦢 Grounding

Or sometimes referred to as Earthing - is literally the practice of being barefoot on natural surfaces. From fields to beaches, your gardens, pathways or in forests.

Once considered fairly "woo woo" - it seems the science is catching up.

With the potential to improve your sleep, reducing chronic pain, improving your mood, increasing heart rate variability and blood flow - the benefits that can be experienced are not to be ignored. Especially when considering that you're just spending some time barefoot on Earth - which feels incredible!

It sounds incredible basic - but when was the last time you spent time barefoot with your skin touching the grass, dirt or sand?

We spend so much of our lives in rubber soles - that there is increasing concern that our shoe wearing, indoor centric lives are contributing to excessive amounts of electromagnetic radiation from our ever-present electrical devices; mobile phones, Wi-Fi routers, and laptops – throwing off the delicate electromagnetic balance needed to maintain optimal health.

By grounding ourselves, we allow that balance to return. As we earth ourselves are connect to our natural surroundings.

So, there are 2 more things I would add to this list.

Breathing & Exercise β†’ but 5 is just a good number! πŸ˜‰

Consider this πŸ‘‡

You wake up, hydrate - then get ready to head out for a run / walk.

Get those morning steps in and some all important First Light into your eyes.

You get back and remove your shoes, spending some time earthing on some natural surface close to your home.

You take a shower. It starts hot - then you take it cold to finish.

You go about your day - fasting until after midday - you start to feel hungry.

You get some delicious - healthful food and enjoy it knowing you've set yourself up perfectly for a restful nights sleep and optimised for wellness.

Then you start your wind down routine - prioritise bedtime and preparation for the next day begins.

...throw in some meditation and some conscious breathing techniques and you are a Superhuman!

πŸ’š One Scoop. Once a Day

🀝 Together with Athletic Greens

It's one thing to stand out online, it's another to get your customers truly believing in what you do. That starts with being Human.

If you could take something that promotes gut health, supports immunity, boosts energy and helps recovery - would you take it? ...what if I told you it was also delicious (especially with raw coconut water - Pro Tip!)

Sounds pretty impressive, right? Well Athletic Greens is real, people! They created AG1 - a delicious blend that contains a massive 75 high-quality ingredients to support full-body health, beginning with your gut.

AG1 by Athletic Greens is not your average supplement. It delivers necessary vitamins / minerals, pre & probiotics, immune support, digestive support, and more - in a single serve.

πŸŽ‰ Athletic Greens are giving our readers a Free One Year Supply of Vitamin D3+K2, 5 Travel Packs** + a 60-Day Money Back Guarantee!

πŸŽ™οΈ On the Pod β†’ Loss, Love, Grief & Gratitude

On the Pod this week April and Claire talk about all things Loss, Love, Grief & Gratitude.

We are all going to experience some type of loss at some point in life. Whether that is loosing a loved one, or going through a big transition such as the loss of a business, miscarriage, big money loss, a loss of a close relationship, a pet etc..

Loss and Grief are two of the rawest emotions that strip you back to what it is to be human, live a life of meaning and turning darkness into light.

Death and Rebirth is a natural part of life - we have to accept that.

We need to focus on this moment now and how we can enjoy life to the the full. Those we loose or difficult situations we face will always be apart of us and guide us.

And although it might be incredibly difficult at the time β†’ they may well become some of our greatest defining moments.

Loss can often inspire us to reinvent ourselves. We discuss accepting where your at as well as the power of gratitude, presence and resilience.

"There are really no 'objects' in the world at all, only vibrations of energy and relationships."

Eben Alexander - Proof of Heaven

That's the post!

πŸ’• If you love it - Share it β†’ See you next week!

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