🥷 Going Monk Mode

A framework for success & productivity

Hey! 👋🏼 ...welcome to the The Healthy Happy Club by WILD & WILD!

🔆 By the end of this month, Sunrise will be earlier than 7AM - finally!! I end up on my bum walking my dogs in the pitch black feeling my through the woods of Bosley Cloud all too often!

What've we got today

  • ☀️ The Miracle Morning

  • 🍩 Doughnut Tempt me! - Giveaway!

  • 🤙 Raise your Vibration

💭 Just a Thought

Monk Mode

This year, I made a commitment to myself.

To get back into my body and become the best version of me.

It's not easy - but I have been working on a framework that has kept me on track and focussed on building in the habits and steps I feel are required to get me back in shape and feeling confident and proud of who I am. To keep me focussed on my goals and a timeframe to keep my engaged and accountable.

🥷 I call it Monk Mode.

And - I want to share with you my notes and ever-evolving framework in the hope that you can take something that you need from it → maybe something will resonate and you can run with it.

Essentially, Monk Mode is a shift in state - with a designated time in which you will be dedicated to achieving a specific set of desired habits and / or points of focus. By giving yourself the time and by writing your parameters down - you can be clear and direct with your intentions.

It gives you an opportunity to commit to your new guidelines, and hold yourself accountable over a set period to smash your goals and give yourself the best chance of success.

I have 3 Non-Negotiables that I adhere to in every Monk Mode I enter into for myself - then a bunch of variables that change with each time I go into this time of total dedication.

Yours can be whatever you need - to move you in the direction of your personal goals.

This is just a framework for your to consider → make a copy of the Google Doc - and adapt as required.

What will be your Non-Negotiables? ...let us know your top 3 priorities when shifting into a period of deep work and focus.

🦶 Todays Newsletter took → 11,254 Steps 🦶

☀️ The Miracle Morning

🏆 Win The Morning / Win The Day

Have you ever wondered what practices the World's most successful / productive and high-output people work into their lives to sustain such a high level of shipment!

Well, my boi Hal Elrod did exactly that.

In his words, "the Miracle Morning is the fastest way to wake up every and create the life you've always wanted - even if you're not a morning person". 

Hal's idea was simple - find out what the "most successful" people do - and emulate their tricks and tips in becoming more akin to them with regard to their efficiency and proven winning habits. In his search, he discovered 6 common traits and practices among the uncommon.

We all know of people such as Oprah Winfrey, Warren Buffet and Richard Branson have used journalling throughout their incredibly fruitful careers - and people such as Arianna Huffington cite a daily meditation practice as a major part of her story. But, what Hal did was to combine ALL of these regularly occurring traits that many of these people were doing and said - you know what, I'ma do them all!

And, the Miracle Morning was born.

He took 6 of the most common habits from the highest performers that he researched and created a method that he dedicated himself to - to help him achieve his goals.

  • Silence

  • Affirmations

  • Visualisations

  • Exercise

  • Reading

  • Scribing

I know. Sounds like a lot.

But, the beauty of this routine is that it can take as long as you have free.

30 mins? ...do each for 5 mins! 20 mins? ...go for ~3 minutes per exercise!

It's a structure that can start small and eventually grow into something much bigger - but as the master of habits himself, James Clear says - the best way to start forming a habit is to start as small as you possibly can.

Have your books, pens and quiet area ready for you each morning - be prepared the night before. Remove any potential obstacle that might distract you during these intentional moments for yourself.

Hit the kettle and then take the 2 mins of silence focussing on your breath - then sit down with your tea to work through your affirmations and visualisations.

...it's amazing what 5 minutes of focused exercise can do when done consistently over time! I use the 7 Minute Workout app and it's awesome. Set your time - choose mobility etc - and it counts you into a set HIIT circuit that you just follow along with! Highly recommend this effective app.

Then read through a couple of pages (literally, start with one page a day if you need to) of that book you've always wanted to read.

And finish with some writing. And just let yourself write. Don't think. Let loose. Thoughts, feelings, confront potential "speed bumps" that might come up in the day. Face them and work through possible outcomes before you've even met them.

Just grab your pen or laptop and release your thoughts on paper / screen.

🎙️ This book really helped me rethink my morning "routine" and put myself back into focus. I was the worst for reaching for my phone first thing in the morning and allowing other people's life own my morning - before I even had a shot myself!

Changing this, changed everything for me.

"My mission in life is to Elevate the Consciousness of Humanity, One Person and One Morning at a Time"

Hal Elrod - Miracle Morning

🍩 Doughnut Tempt Me!

They. Are. Back!

To celebrate the arrival of these incredible Plant Based Doughnuts, we're giving away a Box of 4 of these delicious treats through our Socials in collaboration with Planet Doughnut.

Entering is super simple → check out the Insta post below:

🍩 Follow WILD & WILD & @planet_doughnut🍩 Like the Post!🍩 ...you're already subscribed here (so bonus points!)🍩 For ADDITIONAL points - Rate & Review us on the Yay or Nay Poll 👇

And from this weekend, we'll be serving these beauties down at the café!

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🤙 Raise Your Vibration

🤝 Together with Supernova Living

As a family, we've used Supernova Living's products for years now - we also serve them in our smoothies down at WILD & WILD. They're honestly the best we could find.

Laura and her husband Jermaine Beckford created their flagship product as a means to disrupt the less than healthful alternatives that Jermaine and his professional footballer teammates had access to during their extremely rigorous training sessions at Everton, Leicester and Leeds.

After becoming dissatisfied with the clubs protein powders, they started experimenting with organic vegan proteins and the results were immediate.

No bloating or stomach aches (removing the whey or casein). More energy and focus without the addition of artificial sugars and sweeteners. Quicker recovery and less fatigue or cramps.

This was the the beginning of Supernova Living.

Laura and Jermaine live and breathe this lifestyle → and it shows in the details.

Everything that goes into the final product is meticulously researched and optimised to create the best quality result imaginable.

April sat down with the Founder Laura Beckford this week on the With Intention Pod!

If you're looking for a gut friendly, adaptogenic rich and thoroughly researched protein powder to boost your health an wellness - Supernova's WOMANMAN or MAN blends really do have it all!

As our Partner this week Supernova Living is offering you a 10% Discount on your orders using the code: WILD

That's the post!

💕 If you love it - Share it → See you next week!

✍️ A Reader's Review

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